Help Stop Another Republican Election Theft

This is a picture of Irvington (NY) Mayor-elect Erin Malloy and I'm asking for your help in assisting her in standing tough against another round of Republican election stealing.
Think you don't know Erin Malloy? Yes, you do. You know her because she's just like you.
She's a Democrat and, like you, has watched as Republicans have trashed Democratic candidates, distorted their records and lied about their past, to distract the electorate and gain victory. She has seen the United States drift gradually to the far Right, with women's reproductive choice, an independent judiciary, social security and our country's global reputation all under attack.
And, like all of us, she has watched time after time as Republicans have disenfranchised voters and litigated their way to illegitimate election victories. Except this time, Erin Malloy finds herself on the receiving end of this treatment after seeking only to become Mayor of her small town and serve the people of Irvington.
And she needs our help.
If you have followed the saga of this election – in this space or elsewhere – you know that Erin won an incredibly close election, which has been twice heard by the New York State Supreme Court, which has twice ordered her victory certified. But, after failing to have the deciding votes tossed out – where have we seen that tactic before? -- outgoing Republican Mayor Dennis Flood has continued to litigate the issue and kept Erin Malloy from assuming the office to which she was rightfully elected.
Along the way, Susan Brenner-Morton, whose vote for Erin was the last one counted, has been hounded by a private investigator hired by Flood's attorney and the overall Republican strategy is clearly to win a war of attrition – in other words, litigating this indefinitely, until Erin is forced to give up.
While the Irvington Democratic Committee drains its coffers trying to stop yet another Republican election theft, Flood enjoys the help of the Republican party's biggest election gun out of Albany. These guys don't play games – even for a small-town Mayoral election – and Erin is refusing to back down.
You may not even live in New York, but you know Erin Malloy. She's just like you. She's had it with Republicans perverting the democratic process and she's saying "no more."
Let's help draw this line in the sand. I am writing a check to the Irvington Democratic Committee today – and I'm asking you to do the same.
Still angry about the 2000 presidential election and every Republican, schoolyard-bully antic you have seen since? Whether it is $10, $20 or more, your contribution will help win this small-town battle and send a large message to conservatives that we're not going to stand for this crap.
Make checks payable to the Irvington Democratic Committee and send to:
Irvington Democratic Committee
P.O. Box 185
Irvington, NY 10533
Please write a check and send it now. You'll feel good. I promise.
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