A Great Saturday Afternoon In New York
My goal was to be around cool, like-minded people, listen to Representative Maurice Hinchey (D-NY) and Former Representative Liz Holtzman – who served on the House Judiciary Committee during the Nixon impeachment hearings – and to meet liberal talk-show goddess, Randi Rhodes, of Air America Radio.
I accomplished all of that, except getting to meet Randi, which I hope to do another time. I did get to meet the nice folks from the Democracy Cell Project as well as the event's moderator, Bob Fertik of Democrats.com
It was a wonderful panel discussion, with a positively electric atmosphere and I'm very happy I attended. To be around so many people, who care so much and who are so well informed, truly made my weekend.
Here's some pictures from the event – please forgive my horrid skills with the camera.
Hey, look kids, it's Bob Geiger (the Yellow Dog, left) and Jeff Tiedrich (Editor of SmirkingChimp.com, right)

Matthew Carnicelli of the Democracy Cell Project and Jeff "Smirky" Tiedrich blog away.

Former Representative Liz Holtzman , Representative Maurice Hinchey and Randi Rhodes as they are introduced.

It's Randi Rhodes!

Billionaires for Bush

Where the Billionaires keep all their cash...

And now some good pics courtesy of the nice folks at the Democracy Cell Project:
Moderator Bob Fertik of Democrats.com

Liz Holtzman explains specifics on why Bush and Crew should go to jail

Randi Rhodes listening to other speakers

Representative Maurice Hinchey fires up the crowd

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