Let's Update The Senate Weasel Meter
Remember, straight from dictionary.com:
WeaselWe've updated the Weasel Meter to show the top five Democratic Senators who have been voting badly in 2005 with some of their choices on the following major actions:
intr.v. wea·seled, also wea·selled wea·sel·ing, wea·sel·ling wea·sels, wea·sels
To be evasive; equivocate.
Phrasal Verb: weasel out (Informal). To back out of a situation or commitment in a sneaky or cowardly manner.
- Yea vote in confirmation of Alberto R. Gonzales
- Yea vote for the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005
- Nay vote on amendment to Appropriations resolution FY2006, to strike section 201(a)(4) relative to the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
- Nay vote on bill to repeal the tax subsidy for certain domestic companies which move manufacturing operations and American jobs offshore.
- Yea vote in confirmation of Priscilla Owen
- Yea vote to end debate on John Bolton and deny Democrats information they had requested.
- Yea vote in confirmation of Janice Rogers Brown.
- Yea vote in confirmation of William H. Pryor, Jr
- Voted against bill to improve the energy security of the United States and reduce U.S. dependence on foreign oil imports by 40 percent by 2025.
- Voted again for cloture (to end debate) on John Bolton and deny Democrats information they requested.
Mary Landrieu (D-LA)

Ben Nelson (D-NE)

Mark Pryor (D-AR)

Bill Nelson (D-FL)

Ken Salazar (D-CO)

As always, you can get a synopsis of each of the weasel-worthy votes shown above here.
Let's keep an eye on these guys – especially the two Nelson boys, who are both up for reelection next year.
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