Happy Thanksgiving

As has been true every year, I have much to be thankful for today. I am alive and reasonably healthy -- for an out-of-shape middle-aged guy -- and, based on my brushes with mortality in both the military and with brain surgery two years ago, I try to be a grateful guy every single day.
I am exceedingly happy that Democrats have taken control of Congress -- not for what it means to me, but because it means my little boy has a better chance that America's stock will begin to rise in the world and that he'll come of age in a country he can be proud of. And I'm grateful because the political change means that low-income workers will get a pay raise next year, health care may become more accessible to the neediest among us and the disabled and elderly won't have to fight so hard for home-heating assistance this winter, as they did under the Republican regime.
And, as a Veteran, I'm especially happy that the winds of change in Washington may mean that our men and women in Iraq have a better chance of coming home in 2007.
Finally, I am very grateful to all of you for visiting BobGeiger.com and for being the force behind its amazing growth. Thank you.
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
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