Murtha Unimpressed With Iraq Study Group Report
Congressman John Murtha (D-PA) who has long advocated a withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq, released this statement today on the publication of the Iraq Study Group (ISG) report:
"On November 7th, 2006 the American public sent a message on Iraq and as the new Democratic majority, we must respond with decisive action. Staying in Iraq is not an option politically, militarily or fiscally. The American people understand this. Today there is near consensus that there is no U.S. military solution and we must disengage our military from Iraq.Let's hope we don’t end up back at square-one with a highly-decorated, Marine Corps Veteran like Murtha having to argue about this with Bush, Cheney and their flock of Republican Chickenhawks.
"The ISG recommended that we begin a withdrawal of U.S. troops by early 2008, depending on conditions on the ground. This is no different than the current policy. We must do what is best for America and insist on a responsible plan for redeployment. Iraq is plagued by a growing civil war and only the Iraqis can solve it."
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