Kerry Rules Out Presidential Run

"35 years ago, I got into public life to end a war that was wrong," said Kerry, in a web video announcing his decision. "I believe now as strongly as I did then that it is wrong to ask more young Americans to die for anyone's mistakes. And I believe that a Congress that shares responsibility for getting us into this war must bear responsibility for getting us out."
The Massachusetts Senator then went on to say that he will run to retain his Senate seat in 2008 and that he believes he can make a greater impact in achieving a Democratic vision in Washington by remaining in the Senate than by again joining a crowded presidential race.
"I sought the presidency to lead us on a different course. There are powerful reasons to want to continue that fight now," said Kerry. "But I've concluded this isn't the time for me to mount a presidential campaign. It is the time to put my energy to work as part of the new Democratic majority in the Senate, to do all I can to end this war and strengthen our security and our ability to fight the real war on terror."
Kerry's decision leaves the Democratic presidential field with eight declared candidates including Senators Hillary Clinton (D-NY), Chris Dodd (D-CT) and Barack Obama (D-IL) and former Senator John Edwards, with word one way or the other still expected from General Wesley Clark and former Vice President Al Gore.
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