Dodd To Cosponsor Feingold-Reid Bill

“It’s disheartening that the President does not see that his policy in Iraq is a failure. If the President refuses to change direction in Iraq, Congress must exercise its Constitutional responsibility and act to end President George W. Bush’s failed policy," said Dodd, in a statement released today. “The Feingold-Reid Bill helps Congress finally put the brakes on the Administration's failed Iraq strategy, and serves notice to the President in terms he can’t ignore."
“It sets forth a new direction that will require the Iraqis to take responsibility for their future by mandating the safe, phased redeployment of US combat forces from Iraq, with a hard date for completing that redeployment. It also very responsibly provides for a continued, very limited role for US troops who remain in Iraq -- equip and train Iraqi security forces, carry out limited counter terrorism operations and protect US personnel and infrastructure. I am pleased to join with Senators Feingold and Reid as a co-sponsor on this important legislative initiative."
Kudos to Senator Dodd for again showing this kind of leadership and joining Senators Feingold, Reid and Kerry -- who endorsed the bill yesterday -- in fighting Bush's goal of stranding American troops in Iraq forever.
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