The Saturday Cartoons

Matt Davies: How He Gets It Done
I saved Matt Davies, from the New York Journal News, for last (see above) because I have an additional item for you today in the form of a local news video Matt did recently, in which he pokes fun at how he gets ideas and inspiration for his Pulitzer Prize-winning work.

Click on the screenshot above or go here to see it.

America - Where The Torture Is Only Half-Assed
Over at Townhall, there has been a discussion about American torture versus Al Qaeda torture. Dean Barnett, after looking at an Al Qaeda torture manual, writes the following:
By all means, read the whole thing. And then ask yourself why there are so many people who can’t distinguish between this stuff, which is real torture, and the attention grab and other enhanced interrogation techniques. Are they willfully obtuse, scoring political points, or just hopelessly morally muddled?First, it's absolutely hilarious that Barnett would accuse those opposed to torture of being morally muddled. And second…
We Suck, We Really Suck
It turns out that The Heritage Foundation and American Enterprise Institute have signed onto a new report on economic mobility sponsored by the Pew Charitable Trusts. The only problem is that the report shows that the very policies these two think tanks have advocated have led to workers doing far less well than the previous generation.
All cartoons are posted with the artists' express permission to Please visit the following sites to see more work from these fine cartoonists:
Nick Anderson, Houston Chronicle
Tony Auth, The Philadelphia Inquirer
Justin Bilicki, City Pulse
Jeff Danziger, Syndicated Political Cartoonist
Matt Davies, NY Journal News
Walt Handelsman, Newsday
Mike Luckovich, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Jim Morin, Miami Herald
Steve Sack, Minneapolis Star Tribune
Ben Sargent, Austin American-Statesman.
Ann Telnaes, Syndicated Political Cartoonist
Todd Umbarger, Political Cartoonist and Illustrator
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