The Saturday Cartoons

In "State-Run Sacrament," Right-Wing Ralphie shows how anti-gay bigotry really does support heterosexual marriageā¦

Click on the screenshot above or go here to see it.
And our friends at Headzup give us their take on the get-together between Vice President-elect Joe Biden and Dick Cheney this week.
All cartoons are posted with the artists' express permission to Please visit the following sites to see more work from these fine cartoonists:
Nick Anderson, Houston Chronicle
Tony Auth, The Philadelphia Inquirer
Jeff Danziger, Syndicated Political Cartoonist
Matt Davies, NY Journal News
Walt Handelsman, Newsday
Paul Jamiol, Jamiol's World
Chan Lowe, South Florida Sun-Sentinel
Mike Luckovich, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Jack Ohman, Portland Oregonian
Steve Sack, Minneapolis Star Tribune
Bill Sanders, Retired Syndicated Cartoonist
Ben Sargent, Austin American-Statesman
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