The Saturday Cartoons
We're going to start with something a little different today -- a short video clip from Jack Ohman of The Oregonian in Portland showing us how a cartoon goes from an idea to a finished piece in print… Have a look:
And now on with the cartoons…

* * * * *Here's Mark Fiore with a take-off on that old device for turning the lights on and off, The Clapper -- except this time it's for turning free-market capitalism on and off when it suits Wall Street best.

Click on the screenshot above or go here to see it.* * * * *And from The Onion, we have George W. Bush coming up with his own corrupt version of a beloved White House Thanksgiving tradition, when he pardons Scooter Libby, with Dick Cheney's former main man dressed in a giant turkey costume.* * * * *Thanks to all who have come to visit from other sites -- I'm glad you're here. But please know that this blog is about far more than the Saturday cartoons. They're merely a diversion and provide a humorous take on what's really on our minds. I primarily cover the U.S. Senate but also write about presidential politics and White House activities as well. So please take a look around beyond the 'toons -- and come back soon. All cartoons are posted with the artists' express permission to Please visit the following sites to see more work from these fine cartoonists:
Tony Auth, The Philadelphia Inquirer
Jeff Danziger, Syndicated Political Cartoonist
Steve Kelley, New Orleans Times Picayune
Chan Lowe, South Florida Sun-Sentinel
Mike Luckovich, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Jim Morin, Miami Herald
Jack Ohman, Portland Oregonian
Dwane Powell, Raleigh News & Observer
Steve Sack, Minneapolis Star Tribune
Bill Sanders, Retired Syndicated Cartoonist
Ben Sargent, Austin American-Statesman
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