Yellow Dog Does The New York Times
While I am a minuscule part of the overall (and important story), my partisan take on Republicans is included in a big article in the Sunday New York Times. The article deals with the ongoing local saga of Democrat Erin Malloy and her continuing efforts to assume her mayoral duties in Irvington, NY.
Growing up in a democracy and everything, Ms. Malloy is under the impression that she should actually get to be mayor given that, well, she won the election. New York State Supreme Court Judge Joan Lefkowitz has ruled on two occasions that this election was fair and that Mayor Malloy should at long last be sworn in.
Ah, but don't forget, she ran against a Republican and they seem to have a very primitive instinct when it comes to winning close elections – what I call the “Disenfranchisement Instinct.”
Similar to its more famous cousins regulating human anatomy and behavior, such as the “flight or fight response” or, as we have discovered in watching this election fight, the gag reflex, the Disenfranchisement Instinct causes Republican candidates to take away voters' rights if it will help them win an election.
This has been front and center in Republican Dennis Flood's attempt to hold power in that lovely Hudson-River community, no matter the cost to Irvington or the impact it has had on the village's morale.
The case goes to Appellate Court in Brooklyn on Thursday and, in my wildest dreams, the judge will look at this case, cast a disbelieving look at Flood and his lawyer and exclaim “Are you freaking kiddin' me?”
But that's unlikely to happen. This will probably go on longer and Mayor Malloy will undoubtedly have to answer next to charges that she bribed residents to vote for her with her promises of open and responsive government. Believe me, if that will help the Flood camp stay in illegitimate power longer, they'll say it.
Meantime, The Yellow Dog will be attending what I'm sure will be a festive fundraiser for Ms. Malloy tonight. If this election could be decided based on grit alone, Erin Malloy would already be in office. But legal fees are mounting and I'm hopeful we will see a big crowd turning out to support her.
Growing up in a democracy and everything, Ms. Malloy is under the impression that she should actually get to be mayor given that, well, she won the election. New York State Supreme Court Judge Joan Lefkowitz has ruled on two occasions that this election was fair and that Mayor Malloy should at long last be sworn in.
Ah, but don't forget, she ran against a Republican and they seem to have a very primitive instinct when it comes to winning close elections – what I call the “Disenfranchisement Instinct.”
Similar to its more famous cousins regulating human anatomy and behavior, such as the “flight or fight response” or, as we have discovered in watching this election fight, the gag reflex, the Disenfranchisement Instinct causes Republican candidates to take away voters' rights if it will help them win an election.
This has been front and center in Republican Dennis Flood's attempt to hold power in that lovely Hudson-River community, no matter the cost to Irvington or the impact it has had on the village's morale.
The case goes to Appellate Court in Brooklyn on Thursday and, in my wildest dreams, the judge will look at this case, cast a disbelieving look at Flood and his lawyer and exclaim “Are you freaking kiddin' me?”
But that's unlikely to happen. This will probably go on longer and Mayor Malloy will undoubtedly have to answer next to charges that she bribed residents to vote for her with her promises of open and responsive government. Believe me, if that will help the Flood camp stay in illegitimate power longer, they'll say it.
Meantime, The Yellow Dog will be attending what I'm sure will be a festive fundraiser for Ms. Malloy tonight. If this election could be decided based on grit alone, Erin Malloy would already be in office. But legal fees are mounting and I'm hopeful we will see a big crowd turning out to support her.
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