Monday, August 15, 2005

Howard Dean On Face The Nation

Here's Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean on Face The Nation yesterday doing what he always does – telling it like it is.
"What are these people doing that are running the armed forces? I'll tell you what they're doing. People like the president, people like Secretary Rumsfeld are ignoring the career experts like General Shinseki, who told them before we went in that we needed adequate equipment and adequate troops. They thrust that aside.

"These people do not know what they're doing that are running this country. They have no conception of what it's like to fight a war because none of them ever have. That would have been the great positive that John Kerry would have brought to the presidency.
Hit those chickenhawks, Howard! I betcha anything the Republicans whine and demand an apology...

But then again, why would they have listened to someone like General Eric Shinseki? I mean, he was only the Chief of Staff of the United States Army. He only lost part of his foot to a land mine while on combat duty in Vietnam. And he was only decorated with the Bronze Star, Purple Heart and the Defense Distinguished Service, Legion of Merit, Meritorious Service, Army Commendation and Army Achievement medals.

What does he know about conducting a war, compared to brave members of the Chickenhawk Brigade, such as Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld?