Friday, January 27, 2006

Scandal Too Close to White House? Remove the Prosecutor!

Here’s something that isn’t getting nearly enough play in the media…

The New York Times reports today that President Bush has nominated Noel L. Hillman to a federal judgeship. Why is that news? Because, conveniently enough, Mr. Hillman happens to be the chief prosecutor in the Jack Abramoff investigation and will step down from that post next week to accept the appointment.

While Team Bush calls the nomination “routine,” it will undoubtedly postpone progress on investigating a scandal that is reaching all the way up the political food chain to the White House. Abramoff has already announced his guilty plea and agreed to testify against others, possibly including members of Congress.

Democrats are questioning the move and have called for a special prosecutor.

Representative George Miller (D-CA) called the timing "startling" and said, "You have one of the chief prosecutors removed from a case that has tentacles throughout the Republican leadership of Congress, throughout the various agencies and into the White House."

Could this president possibly make his level of total corruption any more transparent?

Read the rest for yourself.