Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Bush Hits New Low in CNN Poll

I have something amazing to tell you. Lean closer to your monitor… I don’t want anyone else to hear.

A USA Today/CNN/Gallup poll was released yesterday and it showed that only 36 percent of those polled approve of the way George W. Bush is handling his job.

I know! Shocker, isn’t it? By shocking, I mean the part where there are actually 36 percent of the American people so stupid and uninformed that they don’t know the kind of heinous stuff this guy’s been up to since 2000. BobGeiger.com is investigating reports that the same 36 percent believe God speaks through their household pet and tells them how to vote.

In other news from the poll…
  • Good news for the Democrats as 55 percent of respondents favor them in the midterm elections, versus 39 percent for the GOP.
  • And maybe most Americans truly are paying attention. Asked two years ago if they were "certain that the U.S. will win" the war with Iraq, 79 percent of those polled said yes. The answer in this poll, taken over the last weekend: 22 percent.
  • A clear majority – 57 percent -- said sending U.S. troops to Iraq was a mistake and 67 percent said the president does not have "a clear plan for handling the situation in Iraq."
And the band played on…