CBS News Poll: Americans No Longer Support Iraq War

(I'm still investigating reports that the same 21 percent believe Bush should have nominated Bruce Willis or Chuck Norris to replace Donald Rumsfeld as Secretary of Defense.)
The CBS poll, which was conducted last weekend and released Monday, shows what everyone outside of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue seems to know -- that the vast majority of Americans think the war is going from bad to worse and no longer support U.S. presence in Iraq.

CBS also says those numbers show startling parallels between how Americans now feel about Iraq and how they felt about the catastrophic Vietnam war in 1973.
"Opposition to the war is now taking on historic proportions, with 62 percent saying it was 'a mistake' to send U.S. troops to Iraq — slightly more than told a Gallup Poll in 1973 that it was a mistake to send U.S. forces to Vietnam."
Other poll results:
- 71 percent say the war is going badly
- 52 percent believe the situation in Iraq is getting worse
- 85 percent now characterize the situation in Iraq as a civil war
- 50 percent say the U.S. show "start ending involvement" in Iraq
- 55 percent believe America should have stayed out of Iraq entirely
Finally, the majority of Americans think they made the right choice on November 7, when they opted for Democratic leadership in the Senate and House of Representatives.
"By a 2-1 margin, Americans now say they have more confidence in congressional Democrats to handle the war than in the president," says CBS News.
Help is on the way, Folks. Help is on the way.
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