Monday, March 19, 2007

Feingold On Fourth Anniversary Of Iraq War

Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI) released the following statement on the four-year anniversary of George W. Bush starting the Iraq war debacle:
“March 19th marks the four-year anniversary of the Iraq war, one of the worst foreign policy mistakes in the history of our nation. On this solemn anniversary, we remember the more than 3,000 brave Americans who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country, the tens of thousands of brave Americans who have been injured while serving in Iraq, and the countless families and communities across this country who have provided unwavering support for their loved ones, friends, and neighbors serving overseas.

"President Bush and his Administration made a tragic mistake in going to war in Iraq, and that mistake has only been compounded by their refusal to change their failed policy. The war in Iraq has weakened our military readiness, sapped our resources, undermined the fight against al Qaeda and jeopardized our national security.

"The President has made it clear he will not end our military involvement in Iraq -- it is up to Congress to use its constitutional powers to do just that.”