Saturday, January 28, 2006

Democrats Give Bush Ammunition For Use Against -- Other Democrats

It was to be expected that President Bush would use his Saturday radio address to bash Democratic Senators and their attempt to filibuster Samuel Alito’s nomination to the Supreme Court. What is outrageous is that, with their total lack of conviction, other Democrats have given Bush a public-relations bonanza to use against Senators actually trying to do the right thing on the ultraconservative Alito.

“This past week, Judge Alito gained the endorsement of Pennsylvania's Democratic Governor, Ed Rendell,” crowed Bush in his radio address. “Governor Rendell said he was not pleased with the partisan way some of his fellow Democrats have handled Sam Alito's nomination.”

Well done, Governor Rendell. Don’t look for too many people on our side of the aisle to buy you drinks at the next Democratic convention.

Turncoats in the Senate like perpetual Republican-lite Ben Nelson of Nebraska and Louisiana’s Mary Landrieu have provided breathtaking support for Bush, saying they will not support a filibuster and Nelson flat-out saying he will vote to confirm Alito.

I hope the people of Louisiana take note of Landrieu giving Bush such a victory after what he and his crew of incompetents have done to her state leading up to, and after, Hurricane Katrina.

South Dakota’s Tim Johnson is another Senate Democrat pledged to vote for Alito, even drawing praise from the Family Research Council (FRC). The FRC publicly praised Johnson for his support of Alito, calling it "the right thing for both his state of South Dakota and the nation."

Both Johnson and Nelson "rightly rejected Democratic leadership's charge that Alito is 'radical' or 'outside the mainstream,'” said FRC President Tony Perkins.

Just lovely.

Robert Byrd of West Virginia also provided Bush with excellent talking points for his Saturday address.

“Democratic Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia announced he was voting for Judge Alito,” said Bush. “And he said that many people in his state were calling the treatment of Judge Alito by some Democrats ‘an outrage and a disgrace.’ Another Democratic Senator [Johnson] expressed concern that the Senate confirmation process in recent years has become "overly politicized, to the detriment of the rule of law.'"

So there you have it. Gee, maybe if these folks are really lucky, Bush will give them a hug and a kiss at the State of the Union address on Tuesday.