Monday, February 13, 2006

Buying Belief

Written by Jet

Senior Dems have a news flash. George is buffing his image with tax dollars. See, it’s not natural homespun charm, it’s contrived, Madison Avenue purchased charm.

And it don’t come cheap.

Today Rep. Henry A. Waxman, Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, Rep. George Miller, Rep. Elijah E. Cummings, and other senior Democrats released a new Government Accountability Office report finding that the Bush Administration spent more than $1.6 billion in public relations and media contracts in a two and a half year span.

“The government is spending over a billion dollars per year on PR and advertising,” said Rep. Waxman. “Careful oversight of this spending is essential given the track record of the Bush Administration, which has used taxpayer dollars to fund covert propaganda within the United States.” — Raw Story

There goes the last straw. The man isn’t even really likeable until he’s spent a billion trying to make you think so. Seriously, people. Who would you rather have a beer with: George W. Bush or a billion dollars?