Tuesday, September 30, 2008

As Seen On TV

Here's the latest television ads in the U.S. Senate races that we hope will take us to 55 to 57 seats and provide the wherewithal to finally kick turncoat Joe Lieberman's butt across the aisle where he belongs.

A couple of older guys talk about why Republican Liddy Dole needs to go as North Carolina's senator:

In "Lemmings," Oklahoma Democrat Andrew Rice shows voters what incumbent James Inhofe has been like in his blind loyalty to George W. Bush:

And speaking of lemmings, Republican Gordon Smith is trying desperately to keep his Senate seat in Oregon against a stiff challenge from Democrat Jeff Merkley. Here's a good ad citing how Smith went along with Bush's scheme to privatize Social Security:

And Democrat Tom Allen is running a tough, uphill campaign to take out the GOP's Susan Collins in Maineā€¦ This ad throws her right under the bus with the rest of the Republican party on the financial mess they've created:

Please visit our candidates and, if you can, toss $10.00 or $20.00 their way for a very worthy cause:

Kay Hagan (North Carolina)
Andrew Rice (Oklahoma)
Jeff Merkley (Oregon)
Tom Allen (Maine)