Monday, April 24, 2006

Bush Going to New Lows

Many of us have long known that there's no depths too low for the Republican party and their standard bearer, George W. Bush, but a CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll released today shows that's even true with Bush's job-approval numbers. In a poll taken April 21-23, Bush plumbs new depths, checking in with just 32 percent of Americans approving of the way he is handling the presidency, a new low.

The poll shows that 60 percent of respondents expressly disapprove of the job Bush is doing, while eight percent said they "don't know."

Against all fact and logic, an astounding 40 percent of those polled responded affirmatively when asked if they saw Bush as "honest and trustworthy," despite a tsunami of evidence to the contrary. is considering a fundraiser to pay Simon Cowell and Paula Abdul of "American Idol" or Paris Hilton to deliver some news of the last two years to that 40 percent to see if that helps the weighty issues reach them.

Start your office pools: When does the worst president ever hit the 20s?