Saturday, June 16, 2007

The Saturday Cartoons

We have an added treat today: Another animation from our friend, Nick Anderson. This time, Nick gives us a fun game to play called Bush Administration Missile Defense and it's a takeoff on the old arcade game. It's certainly a challenge to make this defense system work -- give it a try.

Click on the screenshot above or go here to play.

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Oops: AP, Fox 'credit' selves for Iraq attack... Which we know can't be
true, because nobody at Fox would ever actually have the courage to fight in
a war they advocate.

The Army is hiring 25 percent more psychiatrists for Iraq. Although they
may want to lend many of them to Republicans to figure out why they started
this ill-conceived war in the first place.

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All cartoons are posted with the artists' express permission to Please visit the following sites to see more work from these fine cartoonists:

Nick Anderson, Houston Chronicle
Tony Auth, The Philadelphia Inquirer
Jeff Danziger, Syndicated Political Cartoonist
Matt Davies, NY Journal News
Walt Handelsman, Newsday
Paul Jamiol, Jamiol's World
Mike Luckovich, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Jim Morin, Miami Herald
Jack Ohman, Portland Oregonian
Steve Sack, Minneapolis Star Tribune
Ben Sargent, Austin American-Statesman.
Ann Telnaes, Syndicated Political Cartoonist